I'm Not Really Sure What This Post Is Exactly About
Saturday, November 14, 2015
School is over (kind of) and I have three papers left starting the week after next's Wednesday and it ends the following Monday. My exams are all e-exams, held in one of the UTown's auditoriums and I've never even been to any of the UTown auditoriums... Good luck to me, I guess.
We ended school rather early yesterday so we went to Jurong to get lunch and then to Nadh's house to just hang out. Nadh was going to miss the damai meeting because she has this concert to attend so the rest of us went back to school and oh my god did I mention that the shoes I was wearing gave me a blister and when I was walking to school, the blister broke so I was in so much pain I dropped by 7eleven to get plasters and then I put on like five plasters to cover it and it was okay, I guess? The damai meeting was alright. They separated us to our allocated seats - yes, allocated seats - and you all know I'm not exactly myself around strangers but the people around me were nice enough. I realised that I'm bad with names and faces when I'm nervous. And I found out that I'm the i/c for the publicity and welfare subcomm, which terrifies me but I hope I'll do okay. And of course, I met the boy I have a crush on (fingers crossed he doesn't read this) and nothing happened but still I was happy just seeing him!!! I hope we get past this awkward/shy stage soon?? Or is that being too hopeful? I guess I'll just hope for the best lol BUT omg what if my dad's right and I'm just like shiok sendiri and he doesn't like me like that at all...
Anyway I got home and tried to cover up the broken blister properly, so I took some gauze and prodine and I was gonna put it on and then my mom walked in and offered to put it on for me so I said okay. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most painful, how would you rank putting prodine on an open wound? ... It was an excruciating 15. Then she helped tape up the gauze and wow that was painful. It's mostly dried up now when I removed it earlier.
Anyway, my friends like the music I listen to?? I Hate U I Love U by Gnash, is one of them. Chivalry Is Dead by Trevor Wesley is another. I recall when Nadiah said she first heard the song Billboard by Jacob Whitesides in my June Favourites video and she got Crystal addicted to it as well back in the OG days. And then like a couple weeks back, we were talking about it and she said she actually heard the song first in one of AwesomenessTV's videos so idk what's the truth but oh well whatever, it's a nice feeling to be appreciated for introducing good music to your friends.
And I decided to catch up with The Originals right, and of course, I madly obsess over Phoebe Tonkin who's #goals in every way and then there's Elijah who's perfect and then my new OTP: Aiden & Josh (I'm a sucker for cute couples) I also adore Hayley & Jackson, though I wanted Hayley & Elijah to be together. Okay I just read that Aiden is dying in this episode or the next that I'm watching. Heart-wrenching. Aiden is getting flowers for Josh because they're planning on running away. Screw you Dahlia. Screw you, you stupid witch, for messing with people's happiness. Okay, she just... ripped his heart out.
They were happy literally ten minutes ago. Josh just found Aiden's body. Wtf is Klaus doing, he just claimed to have killed Aiden wtf you didn't do it, why did you say you did?? Goddammit, Klaus.
Zalora finally, after what seems like an eternity of waiting, emailed me saying they received my exchange request, so I guess I'll be receiving my size 8 shoes on Monday, or Tuesday. And my US stuff, will be arriving on Thursday, or Friday. Shopping bans suck, but knowing that the stuff I ordered a while back is arriving soon makes me happy.
I woke up today, finding out about all the shitty things that's going on in the world. Why does this happen? Why do people go around thinking you can solve things with violence, and terror, and murder. This makes me sad. This is terrible. I'm thankful to be waking up safe and comfortable every morning while many others are out there, terrified for their lives almost constantly. I know wishing for world peace is so cliche?? But I honestly do wish for it. I wish we could all just be happy and live together in peace.