Wild Tiara On The Loose
Saturday, May 02, 2015
Two blog entries in one day?? What's wrong with you T Amals - but whatEVER now I'm jobless and school-less, so I have all the time in the world to blog as much as I want. I should probably film more videos as well - I already have a couple planned out so susbcribe to my youtube channel and keep a lookout for that please and thank you. Anyway, I want a new laptop okay!! I'm currently using a mid-2010 Macbook Pro and yeah it's still working but the battery life is shit because hello it's five years old. And in my previous blog entry, you'd see that I want Sims 4 right - HELL YES JUDE AND CONNOR OMF I'M WATCHING THE FOSTERS - okay sorry and the specs of my laptop aren't up to standards okay!!
So the recommended specs for optimal play are:
- Intel Core i5 Processor or better
- 4GB RAM or more
- NVIDIA GTX 650 graphics card or better
- Windows 8 - lolwtf right Macbook and now downgrade to Windows??
So I shortlisted a few:
Idk if my dad will buy for me lah why would he support my gaming needs right hahaha plus I'm going to start university soon also :/ Anyway I'm such an addict at shopping OMFG I swear this entire post just features everything bad about me - I'm actually a decent and responsible human being okay, I promise. But anyway I've spent so much and I still have to spend more on like university stuff like notebooks and files and stationery and clothes and a bag and accessories and whatever wow okay I need to make a list
- New jeans - I only have one pair of black jeans that I absolutely adore - the rest are all ew
- Clothes - More? Most of my clothes are t-shirts. I need girlier clothes... dresses? Errrrr
- Accessories - I don't really wear accessories other than my watch, some rings and hairbands
- School Stuff - Notebooks, I have a few. Stationery I NEED TO GET because everything disappeared after A Levels