School Update

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I haven't blogged in two weeks lol. School started. It's my second week of school. Had my first day of tutorials today. I am absolutely loving it. It'll probably get worse over the weeks but I really enjoyed today. I went to school and arrived on time for my first tutorial for Fundamentals of Nursing which was at 10am and the prof is super chill but she asked us to call her by her name and I find that so awkward haha but she's nice. We had lab after that which was quite busy and I suck at taking blood pressure lol we did pulse readings, blood glucose level readings and the blood pressure thing. The rest of the TG stayed for SDL but I had to rush off with Charmaine to go for our elective, Physical Questions In Everyday Life. I don't think I've talked about this. Basically students in my course have to take two elective modules to graduate and I figured since I haven't taken the maximum number of modules this semester, why not take an elective? So my friends and I took this elective, which is from the Faculty of Science (Sounds okay, right? Wrong.) It's a Physics module. I thought it'd be okay, since no prior knowledge was requested, but I've attended two lectures so far and we decided to just drop it. And since it's before 24th August, there's no penalty or the stupid W grade!! God bless my life!!! So for this semester I have five modules, and one of them is the clinical attachment at the end of the semester, so technically I only have four. 

I attended the student life fair as well, and I was considering two CCAs, nuSTUDIOS Film Productions as well as Astronomical Society. Dina isn't really looking for any CCAs while Nadiah and I are interested in pretty much the same thing (except silat lol) so we went together for the welcome tea for both the CCAs. And I guess now I'm a member of nuSTUDIOS but not AS, which I think is pretty surprising, but oh well!! Hope I'll enjoy it.

I'm dropping my Physics elective module tomorrow when the NUS CORS is up so that means my Tuesdays aren't packed 10-6 like today. I literally had tutorial > lab > lecture > tutorial with no breaks at all (I packed four sandwiches don't worry) So now the lecture slot is free for me to go for my lab SDL so I can practice my skillz and have late lunch or whatever. And Fridays (another day which I'm supposed to have lecture for my elective) I end at 1pm instead of 4pm yay!! And Mondays (elective tutorial day) I start at noon instead of 11am so life is great!!

Anatomy & Physiology I lectures now feature everything we've studied in JC so it's more like revision for all the JC students who took H2 Bio. Dina on the other hand has zero biology background so Nadiah & I are worried and offering as much help as she needs. We'll get through this!! Anyway, Tuesday is my tutorial day and I think it's really fun because my TGmates are really cool and naise, looking forward to the next 3/4 years with them!!

I bought my lab coat too!! I'll post a picture if I ever take one in it lol I wanted to talk about other stuff but I shall make that into a separate post!!! Let me go find pictures to make this post more colourful lol

It's 1:09am I'm tired I'll continue this when I wake up xo

(Top - Bottom: Exploring Medical Library, Collecting Matric Cards, NUSMS event)
(Left - Right: NUSMS event, Student Medical Education Conference 2015, trying on my new top)
(Left - Right: NUSMS event again, trying out scrubs for uni, wearing my new necklace!)

(Left - Right: With Kelly walking around school, at Student Life Fair with Nadiah and Dina)
(Left - Right: Last but not least, pre-concert, during concert and post-concert pic)
(I'll totally blog about The Maine... I didn't even blog about OLN, did I? Best night of my life, that one)

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